how old was annabelle lanyon when she played oona

how old was annabelle lanyon when she played oona
how old was annabelle lanyon when she played oona
IMDb: Most Popular People Born On October. howtheylooknow: Legend (1985) - How Legend (Ultimate Edition):.

This strange, 1985 experiment by Ridley Scott ( Blade Runner ) starred the up-and-coming Tom Cruise in a fairy-tale world of dwarfs and unicorns and demons. After the
Legend (1985) - Synopsis
Catching up with the fine folks from Legend Tim Curry as "Darkness". Now. He was one of the actors that played "Dale The Whale" on Monk. Hes really popular for The Anne of Avonlea: Kim Braden,.
The content of this page was created directly by users and has not been screened or verified by IMDb staff.
The maturation and coming of age of a young woman is a difficult and often confusing journey for any young girl, but the road for Anne Shirley (Kim Braden), an orphan .